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One for the Road


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Exclusive / Racing

One for the Road: How long have you had your current sponsors?

By: Jeff Gordon | September 28, 2015

Exclusive / NASCAR

One for the Road: What are you going to enjoy most about your final season?

By: Jeff Gordon | September 28, 2015

Exclusive / NASCAR

One for the Road: What advice do you have for young drivers?

By: Kasey Kahne | September 28, 2015

Exclusive / NASCAR

One for the Road: What are common adjustments made during a pit stop?

By: Kasey Kahne | September 28, 2015

Exclusive / NASCAR

One for the Road: What does a driver do during a pit stop?

By: Kasey Kahne | September 28, 2015

Exclusive / NASCAR

One for the Road: What do you enjoy doing off the track?

By: Kasey Kahne | September 28, 2015

Exclusive / NASCAR

One for the Road: How does communication differ between pit stops?

By: Dale Earnhardt Jr | September 28, 2015

Exclusive / NASCAR

One for the Road: What does a driver do during a pit stop?

By: Dale Earnhardt Jr | September 28, 2015

Exclusive / NASCAR

One for the Road: What advice do you have about communication in the pit?

By: Dale Earnhardt Jr | September 28, 2015

Exclusive / NASCAR

One for the Road: What adjustments make the biggest difference?

By: Dale Earnhardt Jr | September 28, 2015